We’re sure you’ll agree that there’s nothing better than doing something you love while supporting a worthy local cause at the same time. Here you will find everything you need to make your fundraising event a success.
Upcoming Events
We create an exciting events and activities calendar for our supporters every year. Whoever you are, and whatever you love, we hope you’ll find the perfect event for you to get involved with.
Lakes Home Centre
We receive great support from The Lakes Home Centre and throughout the year we attend their shop in Cockermouth to raise awareness and funds for our services.
Virtual TCS London Marathon
Have you always wanted to take part in the London Marathon, but never had the opportunity? You can sign up to the Virtual TCS London Marathon and race with complete freedom in this virtual event.
Do your own fundraising
There are many ways to get involved with fundraising for Hospice at Home West Cumbria - do you have a personal best you’d like to smash? Do you love socialising with family and friends? Maybe you’re wanting to tick a few things off your bucket list?
Our Fundraising Team are here to help you raise as much money as possible and have the best possible experience while doing so.
Want to fundraise with your colleagues?
We want to build mutually beneficial partnerships with local businesses, however big or small.
Looking for Inspiration?
We would love to hear about any ideas you may have to raise some money for our charity, which could be anything from cycling challenges and bingo nights, to sponsored head shaves and skydives. If you’re looking for some inspiration, take a look at our A-Z of fundraising ideas to see if there is anything you might be interested in giving a go!
How we can help you!
Fundraise with us and you’ll get:
Fundraising materials to help you spread the word about your fundraising including branded t-shirts and sports vests, balloons, stickers, collection buckets and personalised sponsor forms, as well as tickets and posters to advertise your event.
Support from our friendly fundraising team who will answer any questions you may have.
Collaboration through social media sharing information about your event onto our social media pages to help you raise awareness.
Tips and resources needed to make your event a success.
Complete our Fundraising Materials Request Form and send this over to us to let us know if there is anything we can provide for you.
Set up your Fundraising Page
Setting up an online fundraising page is a great way to help you reach your sponsorship goals – JustGiving is a great platform for this, and you can set up your own page on our charity platform by clicking here: https://www.justgiving.com/westcumbria and clicking ‘Fundraise for us’ in the top corner, following the steps as prompted. Please get in touch if you feel you need any help with this.
Our Fundraising Team can provide you with everything you need to help you with your sponsorship goals or organise your own fundraising event, so please get in touch with us on 01900 873173 or info@hhwc.org.uk if there is anything you would like to discuss.
Gift Aid
Gift Aid is a government scheme that allows charities to reclaim the basic rate tax you pay as a UK taxpayer.
It means that we can claim 25p of tax for every £1 you donate at no extra cost to you!