Family and bereavement services offers support to patients and their families before and after bereavement. Our team offers emotional support to help with coping, loss, grief, and bereavement through one-to-one and group sessions.

One-to-one support

One-to-one emotional support offers patients, their loved ones, and those bereaved a confidential space to talk through difficult thoughts and feelings. All support is offered by an experienced and skilled member of staff. These sessions can help to relieve distress, explore new coping strategies and understand the grieving process associated with loss and grief.

People receiving support said:

  • We found the anticipatory grief support given by the family and bereavement services team so helpful, and it enabled us to have difficult, but important conversations, and plan for my husband’s funeral.

  • Very caring, very supportive, very empathic.
You couldn’t do enough for me and I am very grateful.

  • Our session helped me to see the light at the end of
the tunnel and like a weight has been lifted off me.

  • I am coping well on my own with the anger (around bereavement). I am going to be okay.

Group support

We offer separate groups for patients, their families and those bereaved. The groups offer a confidential space to connect with others sharing
a similar experience. They provide an opportunity for people to share thoughts, feelings, and coping strategies. All groups are facilitated by experienced and trained staff.

People who have received or are receiving support have said:

  • It has been helpful to know that others are experiencing similar emotions, physical symptoms, and common experiences.

  • I really did not want to come to a group but I have found it really helpful.

  • It has been so helpful to meet others that know what you’re going through and that know you’re not going completely insane, and to know that you’re not on your own.

  • The group has opened private doors to share information that I cannot share even with my long-term friends. I feel that I have known you all my life… thank you

  • The group is my comfort zone.

  • I can cry here, let it all out.

  • It’s different here; I can say what I want and feel supported.

  • The small group was good for me- it was personal.

Where is the support provided?

One-to-one support is provided in the individual’s home, other community settings or our Therapy and Information Centre in Workington. Our groups take place in our Therapy and Information Centre.

Bereavement Cafes

Hospice at Home West Cumbria host several weekly Bereavement Cafes across West Cumbria. These currently run in Cockermouth and Whitehaven and will be in other towns in the near future.

Our Bereavement Cafes are open to all bereaved people regardless of how or when they were bereaved. They are hosted by volunteers and have an open, friendly and welcoming feel to them. Refreshments are available (a small donation is suggested) and are a place to talk about your bereavement, or not if that is what you prefer.

Current cafes:

Whitehaven: Senhouse Centre, Senhouse Street, CA28 7ES. Mondays from 13:30pm - 15:00pm

Cockermouth: Skiddaw Lodge (Masonic Hall), Challoner Street, Cockermouth, CA13 9QS. Tuesdays from 10:00am - 12:00pm


Our Family and Bereavement Services Team Leader, Claire Jenkinson, has been with Hospice at Home West Cumbria for many years and has a Diploma in Adapting Complementary Therapies for Cancer and Supportive Care from world-renowned hospital, The Christie, in Manchester.

Claire has made some recordings talking about how breathing and relaxation play a big part in a patient’s treatment, helping them benefit more from the treatments they are receiving:

How can I get in touch?

If you would like any further advice about this service please call 01900 705200, or use our contact form.