Six local primary schools in West Cumbria have helped to raise over £20,000 for Hospice at Home West Cumbria by hosting Mini Colour Runs throughout June and July.

Holly Harkness, Community Fundraising Co-ordinator for Hospice at Home West Cumbria said: “We would like to say thank you to all the staff, parents, volunteers and the pupils for supporting Hospice at Home West Cumbria. It was so much fun organising and being a part of their events, watching everyone have a good time and the total amount raised is amazing.”

Mini Colour Runs involve school children running around a track on their school field while having brightly coloured paint thrown at them, which as you can imagine they love! The runs raise thousands of pounds each year for our charity and the fundraising team work closely with the schools to ensure smooth running of the event. There is a registration fee of £5 per child, with the option to purchase a t-shirt and sunglasses. The children can then get sponsors from family and friends for their run. The money raised helps to provide Home Nursing, Family and Bereavement services, Complementary Therapy services and Lymphoedema care to people in West Cumbria.

Mrs Rose, Headteacher at Frizington Primary School said: “As a School, we are extremely grateful and proud of how generous our community has been to such a worthwhile local charity, which many of our families have a close connection with. Frizington has never been so colourful, and the children and families had a brilliant afternoon with buckets full of fun, as well as paint. Thank you to Hospice at Home for organising the event and we are pleased that the money raised goes to such a good and important cause for our local community.”

Claire Hayes, a teacher at Jericho said: Jericho have taken part in the Mini Colour Run for a number of years now. Our Children really enjoy their experience, and we think as a school it is important to support this wonderful local Charity.

Holly continued: “We welcome new schools to join us for 2024 and are very grateful for the continued support of schools that sign up year after year”.

Schools that are interested in taking part in the Mini Colour Runs 2024, please email: for more information.